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Gallery – KRU Academy

Creative Industry College

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KRU Academy is a Creative industry college specialising in skills related to the creative industry strategically located in Cyberjaya, Malaysia’s premier IT and educational hub, accessible via KL Sentral and Putrajaya Sentral. We aspire to cultivate innovation and creativity, improve skills and increase the amount of local talents in Malaysia. Adopting a practical training approach, each course is developed and designed by experts, and is in line with current developments and best practices in the creative industry, globally.

In addition, KRU Academy’s advisory panel comprises of professionals from both local and international organizations.Currently, KRU Academy plays a significant role in the development of skilled work force to support the growth of the Malaysian Creative Industry via vocational diploma and certificate programs. Our program is the Diploma in 3D Animation whereby students will be trained and gain exposure to industry’s best practices globally using the latest software and technology.

This program is designed to develop essential skills such as modeling , animation, storyboards, rigging and many more. It is a 24 months program using NOSS Level 3 – (3D Animation operation support) as training framework and adobe curriculum as global benchmarking. After the completion of this program, students will receive professional diploma from KRU Academy and will be industry ready. Throughout the program, the students will also engage with their potential employers through our industry partnership initiatives.

Sambutan Hari Malaysia 2014 Di KRU Academy

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Setiap tahun, Malaysia menyambut hari penting iaitu tarikh keramat 31 Ogos 1957 di mana Tanah Melayu pada waktu itu mendapat kemerdekaan dari kerajaan British. Satu lagi tarikh yang juga sangat penting kepada Malaysia ialah penubuhan Malaysia pada 16 September 1963.
Pada tahun 2014, tema bagi sambutan kemerdekaan peringkat negara ialah “Malaysia, di sini lahirnya sebuah cinta”. Sehubungan itu, warga KRU Academy turut sama menyambut dan meraikan sempena Pembentukan Malaysia kali ke 51 ini. Acara ini disertai oleh 200 orang pelajar dan 20 kakitangan KRU Academy. Antara objektif utama acara ini adalah;

• Menyuntik semangat kemerdekaan di kalangan warga KRU Academy
• Memupuk perasaan kasih sayang di kalangan warga KRU Academy
• Memupuk perasaan hormat meghormati antara pelajar dan pensyarah melalui aktiviti yang dilaksanakan
• Membentuk daya kreativiti pelajar melalui pertandingan yang diadakan

Secara keseluruhannya, aktiviti-aktiviti yang dipertandingkan sepanjang bulan kemerdekaan telah dilaksanakan dengan lancar berdasarkan komitmen yang diberikan oleh setiap pelajar. Pertandingan yang diadakan di peringkat kelas dan individu adalah seperti Perbarisan Hormat, Lagu Patriotik, Deklamasi Sajak, Reka Cipta Watak, Filem Pendek dan Fesyen Merdeka. Beberapa pertandingan telah dipertandingkan sepanjang bulan kemerdekaan dan peserta yang berjaya dinilai pada peringkat akhir iaitu kemuncak acara kemerdekaan. Bagi pertandingan Perbarisan Hormat yang telah diadakan pada hari kemuncak, kelas-kelas yang bertanding memberikan persembahan yang menarik, kreatif dan menyakinkan walaupun tempoh latihan adalah sangat singkat. Melaluinya, kerjasama antara pelajar dapat dilihat melalui pembahagian tugas yang dilakukan. Pihak jawatan kuasa program mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih pada penasihat KRU Academy Dato Yusof bin Harun dan Dato Che Manis kerana sudi hadir dan merasmikan sambutan ini.

Program Beauty of Ramadhan

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Bagi memeriahkan aktiviti penghayataan dibulan Ramadhan, warga kolej KRU Academy telah mengadakan program “The Beauty of Ramadhan”.

Terdapat pelbagai aktiviti yang dilaksanakan bagi mengisi masa pelajar dengan amalan-amalan sunat ketika berpuasa. Antara aktiviti yang dilaksanakan adalah ”Contest of Ramadhan” iaitu pertandingan melukis banner, pertandingan khat dan pertandingan poster

Secara keseluruhannya, aktiviti ini dapat dilaksanakan dengan lancar berdasarkan komitmen yang diberikan oleh setiap pelajar. Melalui aktiviti ini, kreativiti pelajar dapat dilihat melalui penilaian item-item yang diperlukan oleh pengadil profesional. Mereka juga dapat mempersembahkan hasil sepanduk mereka dengan baik mengikut tema ”Beauty of Ramadhan”.

The KRU Group Introduce “KARTUN STUDIOS”

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Cyberjaya, Malaysia 18th June 2014 – The KRU Group is pleased to introduce the latest addition to its stable of companies… “Kartun Studios”. Its launch, which was officiated by Y.B. Dato’ Sri Ahmad Shabery Cheek, Minister of Communication and Multimedia, unveiled that Kartun Studios was formed in line with the Group’s objective to expand into the areas of 2D and 3D animation

“The continued development of the Communications Content and Infrastructure (CCI) Sector is key for the country as it strives towards achieving a high-income status. Spanning a wide eco-system, the Government’s commitment to the CCI Sector has seen numerous initiatives all aimed to encourage development and propel the nation towards a knowledge-based economy. Initiatives, which include the 30% production rebate by FINAS, the roll-out of high speed broadband, and the development of digital television networks as of 2015, are part and parcel of preparing the nation to take the next step. As such, I am proud to witness the efforts of the KRU Group in not only having the vision to strengthen their presence internationally through Kartun Studios, but also in developing, training and nurturing the next generation of highly skilled workers through KRU Academy” states Y. B. Dato’ Sri Ahmad Shabery Cheek.

According to Norman Abdul Halim, Executive President and Group CEO of The KRU Group, the establishment of Kartun Studios is not merely to position the brand and highlight its slate of animation content, but also forms part of a cohesive corporate strategy to attract local and foreign investment in the next Three (3) to Five (5) years.

“2D and 3D animation content provide an opportunity for local studios to become major players in the global arena. Take for example, “Ribbit”, KRU’s first animation feature film, – it has been sold to more than 80 countries and will be having its World Premiere screening at The Niagara Integrated Film Festival in Canada on June 21, 2014. Kartun Studios will be producing Three (3) animation films, 130 3D animation series and 130 2D animation series within the next Five (5) years” says Norman.

Kartun Studios will create an estimated 1,000 new job opportunities with the production of its 2D and 3D animation slate. Currently, KRU Academy is home to 200 students taking their Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (Malaysia Skills Diploma), certified by the Ministry of Education Malaysia and the Department of Skills Development Malaysia. Its intake is expected to increase to 300 students within the next one year. Notwithstanding this, KRU Academy is committed to increasing the awareness of the Creative Industry and will continue delivering a combination of informative demos, talks and hands-on workshop sessions in high schools through its program “Kreatif X Press”.

Ribbit Screening

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As many as 200 KRU Academy students were treated to a preview of RIBBIT, the first 3D animated film produced by KRU last Friday. The director of RIBBIT, Chuck Powers stated that this preview is the first of its kind before its ‘world premier’ dued to be held in September 2014.

KRU Studio and KRU Academy are continually creating opportunities for their students to benefit from an early exposure to the process of creating a world class animated film. The 3-hour long session culminated with a question and answer sessions with Chuck Powers.

According to the director, four more 3D animated movies are expected to come out. Furthermore he expresses hope that students will put their focus on their studies and prepare themselves for a career in KRU to help to realise KRU’s goals of producing a minimal of one movie per year.